Find It Step Two

Part Two in our series on teaching Find It. The cold weather is slowly creeping up on us, so if you need some indoor things to get some of your dogs energy out and work their minds, this is an awesome option!

A Dogs Nose

A dogs nose is a powerful thing. You can harness this power to keep your dog mentally stimulated. While I like stuffed kongs every now and then, I’m not a fan of other things such as puzzle toys or lick mats to keep a dog occupied or stimulated. I prefer to harness the awesome powerContinue reading “A Dogs Nose”

Teaching Leash Pressure in a Positive Way

Leash pressure can be very handy when dealing with dogs. Dogs who understand leash pressure and how to move with it do not put up a fuss when it is applied, if introduced correctly. Leash pressure helps build communication, enables us to reinforce what we ask of the dog during our stage of requiring (afterContinue reading “Teaching Leash Pressure in a Positive Way”

Six Tips to Help You With Dogs … And With Life

It’s not always easy on the road to success with your dog. Sometimes we are dealt dogs who are more difficult, sometimes work schedules get in the way, sometimes family life is busy, but we still need to make time for our dogs … and ourselves, in order to succeed. Here are six simple tipsContinue reading “Six Tips to Help You With Dogs … And With Life”

Three Simple Tips To Help Change Your Dog For The Better

Do you have a dog who thinks that they pay the mortgage, therefore they make the rules? Do you have a dog who is pushy and demanding … basically an annoying pain in the butt? Do you have a dog who doesn’t understand self control and needs constant entertainment? Here are THREE easy things thatContinue reading “Three Simple Tips To Help Change Your Dog For The Better”

Does Your Behaviour Affect Your Dogs Behaviour?

I want to tell you a story. Brace yourself. It’s not very exciting, but it is important. This story popped into my mind when our friends at High Fives for K9’s posted this little ditty on Instagram: “what if who your dog is, was directly dependent on who you are?” Read that again, and letContinue reading “Does Your Behaviour Affect Your Dogs Behaviour?”

Do You Do Stuff That Your Dog Likes?

Hang on, let me clarify. I don’t mean eating rabbit poop with them, or rolling in dead things or items of that nature, that would likely make you a psychopath. I mean, do you do stuff with your dog that is natural, that they actually enjoy? Things that dogs enjoy naturally are sniffing, eating rabbitContinue reading “Do You Do Stuff That Your Dog Likes?”

Does Your Dog Deserve to be Off Leash in Town?

That is the question, so what is the answer? Some of you may not be fond of my opinion, however, I think it necessary to go through the process of my conclusion on this. I will start off by saying it IS NOT your right to have your dog off leash, especially in an urbanContinue reading “Does Your Dog Deserve to be Off Leash in Town?”

So You Want A Working Breed?

Let me define my meaning of working breed, because I’m not talking about just the typical CKC classification of working breeds. I’m talking about dogs that truly work, need a job, or are very high drive. This will include most terriers, the ckc working group, some hounds, some mastiff types, some herding breeds, field bredContinue reading “So You Want A Working Breed?”

Does Class Time Equal Play Time?

Those whom have taken our classes know that we are pretty strict on our rules that dogs are not to meet or play during, right before, or right after class time, and there is good reason for this. First off, unfortunately, we are never more exciting to our dogs, than the dogs standing next toContinue reading “Does Class Time Equal Play Time?”